Awesome Testimonys:


Linda Augustine

Hello, my name is Linda Augustine and I am 24 years old. I want to share with you briefly my testimony of how I came to find the real Jesus Christ!

To start off, my parents are Palestinian but I was born in Canada. I have two sisters, one older and one younger. We grew up in what would be considered a very, very strict home and had a very reserved lifestyle. I grew up with Catholic teachings, went to Catholic school, and almost never went to church unless it was a special occasion.

My parents never seemed like a loving couple. They were actually very cold. They taught us to be moral, respectful, obedient kids; generally the way a “good family” should be. But they also planted in our hearts at an early age to be racist against all Israelis and all Jews. They always brought up hate- filled discussions in front of us about all the fighting and the bad news of what had happened and what was still happening back home in Palestine. My whole family has serious hatred for Jewish people, and I was also brought up to have that same hatred.

After a few years, my parents got divorced. My mother, my sisters and I moved out, and my father lived on his own. Not long after high school, I become tomboyish. I experienced some bad relationships with a few people and this slowly but surely made me a seriously angry, violent, hate-filled person, not just towards Jews, but also towards almost everyone. I had a very short temper and a really nasty attitude, full of suspicion, disbelief and insecurities. I carried knives and guns, and to a lot of my friends, I was considered “messed up” because I was so very irritable and quick to get angry. Also, when people upset me, I experienced anger to such an extreme degree that I visualized thoughts of mutilating and slaughtering the person and got pleasure and satisfaction out of seeing their blood. To me, only that was proof enough that they were tortured and dead. I know this is sick and abnormal, but that’s how bad I had become.

As a few more years went by, I still lived the same way, only now I had been introduced a couple of times to the Pentecostal teachings of Jesus Christ through some friends. I never gave my life to Christ though. Instead of receiving Christ, I received people’s phone numbers. Now I feel it was the start of my unknowing, but willing search for Jesus. I began to go back occasionally to my Catholic Church on my own in search of Christ, but still came out empty. I also tried a Baptist Church and still found nothing. I then opened myself to the ways and teachings of Jehovah’s Witness and the Muslims, yet still found nothing!

Then one day, a member of the Potter’s House Christian Church witnessed to my boyfriend and me about finding the real Jesus- His forgiveness and all about His love and salvation. With reluctance and hesitation, I went to the church for the first time.
Not long after, I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart and prayed for His forgiveness. Gradually, God started opening my eyes to all the demonic spirits that had been living in me. Although I wasn’t raised in Palestine and wasn’t exposed to all the violence and killings, God showed me that the anger, rage, and spirit of murder living in me were ancestral spirits. God also revealed to me the importance of getting my heart right and of His sweet love for me.
Now almost 6 years later, I have been living in the will of my beautiful Father in Heaven! Nothing in this empty world could have changed the way I was before, but God, being the just God that his is, was able to soften my heart to surrender to Him. Through His mercy, grace, love, and protection over my life, I am freed of my sins, miraculously transformed and will never forget what He took me out of.

Imagine that, once I hated Jews, and now I’m in love with Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews, and the King of Kings.

Just one year ago, God blessed me with a husband- the boyfriend that stood with me when we were first told about the real Jesus! We know that God has wonderful plans for our lives together, and are excited to be serving Him. God is a God of blessing, joy, and peace for His people. And my husband, Adrian, and I are true testimonies of this.

Praise and glory to His name, my first true love Jesus Christ.

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